6 Effective Tips for Sustainable Weight Loss

Weight loss as the primary goal is the most common thing we hear as coaches and trainers in the fitness industry. While there are many fad diets online promising to help you lose weight in a few weeks and months, the
best way to lose weight sustainably is a nutritious diet and a balanced lifestyle. 

To lose weight safely and maintain that lost weight over time, it is vital that you observe permanent, gradual, and focused lifestyle changes. Here are six tips to help you better manage your weight. 

  1. Patience

Many people tend to feel discouraged when they don’t see a drop in their weight. Understand that weight loss takes time, and isn’t the same for everyone. So even if you fall off the wagon, just dust yourself off and start again without feeling the need to overcompensate. Appreciate the small wins you make along the way!

  1. Nutrition, not diets

If you want sustainable weight loss, you want to stay away from fad diets that make it seem like you’ve lost weight in the short term but once you go back to eating the way you did, it comes right back. It’s important to build a diet that works for you, not just go blindly with what worked for someone else. Think nutrition and what will nourish your body in the long run, not what makes you lose a few kilos in the short run.

  1. Make physical activity a habit

Regular exercise is beneficial for mental as well as physical health. You can start with a moderate-intensity activity like brisk walking. The duration can be half an hour to an hour. Many online weight loss coaching programs suggest that you gradually increase the frequency of your exercise as it is essential for successful weight loss. 

  1. Portion control

Over consumption and abundance of food is what has made obesity so prevalent in the world today. While there are no good foods and bad foods, it all comes down to a calorie deficit when you want to lose weight. Overeating anything, whether it’s supposedly healthy or not won’t help you lose weight. So practice eating slowly and mindfully, listen to your hunger and fullness signals and eat until you are satiated and not beyond that.

  1. Track your progress

How will you know if your efforts are paying off? Track, track, track! Ensure you are tracking not just body weight, but also measurements around your waist, hip and thigh because it may not always reflect in your bodyweight. Tracking helps you stay more centred around your goal and those who track are most likely to see better results.

  1. Incorporate changes into your lifestyle

Once you’ve understood the changes you need to make, find ways to make it a permanent part of your lifestyle and not just a short-term change. If you’ve added more protein and vegetables to your diet, continue doing the same even after you feel like you’ve met your goal. Health is always the larger goal, so creating a healthier lifestyle is what will get you there!


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